
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Optimizing Your Mobile Website: The Benefits

Why it is Advantageous for You to Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

According to a mobile users’ survey, at least 50% of the population of smartphone users in the United States of America alone, would be accessing the Internet via their mobile devices. These users would be surfing the Web for multiple purposes, such as downloading apps, getting information from search engines, making mobile payments and so on. In order to reach the maximum number of users and also to enhance the conversion rate of casual visitors paying to customers, more and more companies are now working at optimizing theirmobile Website for different mobile devices.
Mentioned below are the advantages of optimizing your mobile Website for smartphones and tablets:

Better User Experience

Since mobile Websites are especially designed keeping handhelds and other mobile gadgets in mind, they are naturally capable of enhancing the general user experience. Keeping your audience engaged at all times ensures that you further attract them towards your business, thereby substantially increasing the chances of their becoming your loyal customers.
Typically, mobile users are looking for instant answers to all their queries and do not want to wait longer than a few seconds. Websites are lighter than regular Websites and so, they load much faster. The faster they get to browse your site and receive that answer, the more inclined they would be to visit you again.

Heightened Interaction with the User

A mobile Website enables you to work around with a whole host of mobile-specific features, such as offer maps, location-based features, click-to-call functionality and so on. This is even more beneficial to you when they visit your local area of functioning. This way, they can find and connect to you easier.
The mobile user is always online and can access the Internet from wherever he or she may be. This high level of connectivity helps you keep connected with your current customers, while also offering you the opportunity to reach an ever wider and newer audience.

Enhanced Search Engine Rankings

Creating an optimized mobile Website helps you enhance your ranking on mobile search engines. This is extremely beneficial to your business, as it helps you establish yourself in the mobile sphere as well, also getting yourself included in an increasing number of directories online.

Creation of a Brand Identity

A site that is completely optimized for the mobile Web lets you stand head and shoulders above the rest of the competition, putting you at par with the most established companies, who are viewed as being serious about their business.
This enhances the reputation of your company, thereby creating even more visitors you can showcase your products and services to.

Offline Integration

The use of QR codes can help you easily integrate with offline media, especially press and print media. Your QR code can be scanned with smartphones and these are then electronically translated into information such as your Website URL, email address or a simple SMS.
QR codes are now becoming a popular means of offline advertisement for companies all over the world. Inserting this code into regular advertisements helps direct visitors toward your business, thereby enabling you to open up an instant communication channel with a vast offline audience as well.
Video:How to Use QR Codes With an Android

More Affordable than Mobile App Development

Creating a mobile Website is much easier and also lesser expensive than developing a mobile app for your business. Since this works in tandem with the Web, you will have far lesser issues than with a mobile app. Mobile apps need to be formatted in different ways fordifferent mobile systems and devices. Apps also require to be downloaded and installed, in order to be accessed.
A mobile Website, on the other hand, works uniformly across the range of major smartphone browsers. Needless to say, however, some businesses require both a mobile Website and an app to reach the maximum possible target audience.

In Conclusion

The mobile Web has now proved itself as one of the most effective ways of communicating with a target audience. Given the sudden increase in users browsing the Internet via their smartphones and tablets, it only makes sense to optimize your own Website for mobile, so as to take full advantage of the wide range of benefits it has to offer.


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